Missouri News

* Happy Birthday, President Madison * James Madison Has the Answer *

* Happy Birthday, President Madison * James Madison Has the Answer *

* Happy Birthday, President Madison * James Madison Has the Answer *


James Madison - Image credit: https://www.whitehouse.gov

It is Saturday, March 16, 2024.  James Madison was born 273 years ago today.  No one knows the contribution a new life brings to the world, but it’s possible that we all come with a mission to fulfill.  


As the result of James Madison’s life, he’s come to be identified as the Father of the Constitution.  His efforts were instrumental in the preparation and recording of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He served as Delegate from Virginia under the Articles of Confederation, a House Representative from Virginia under the Constitution, Secretary of State to President Thomas Jefferson and then as Fourth President of the United States. He was small in stature – 5’ 4” tall and under a hundred pounds – but large in his influence throughout his 85 years of life.

While Madison is not with us today, his experience should be, as it addresses how We the People of the United States, have in our Constitution, the Power and the ability to rectify the maladies of America that rival those our Founders faced in the dawning days of the nation.  If President Madison has the answer, then what is the question?

Is there a collective denial somehow, about how serious things really are? Certainly, you can add multiple grievances to the following list.  Is it really ok...



It seems like there are several questions, but really, there’s only one…

How do we reclaim the Republic
and restore Liberty in America?

In the next communication, we will share the pattern that James Madison, in collaboration with Thomas Jefferson, set, for addressing the intrusions on the Liberty and Rights of the People by our own government - and - how it answers this question.

Please click the link below for our short survey, to rank your issues - and then, answer a key question. We will then use these in upcoming messages to show how the Constitution gives you - and me, We the People, the Power to resolve them.

Take survey

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Constitution Party is seeking to address the constitutional crisis in America.  In order to do this, we need your help.  While the two-party monopoly has the advantages of funding and media, ask yourself if their influence has improved the lives of Americans over the last forty years, or twenty years – or even the last five years.


We thank you for the support you’ve given with your influence, contributions and actions, and we ask that you continue:

  • >>> Come home – or come back – to the Constitution Party <<< Become a member.  We need leadership in every County and in every Precinct as we roll out our grassroots organization strategy.


  • Support our Mission
    To promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty and to return to constitutional government through educational and political activity and the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates, who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.”


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To get back on the ballot in Missouri to run candidates, we need help with signatures and petitioners for the ballot access process.  The deadline for gathering ten-thousand valid signatures is July 23, 2024.  Our goal is to turn in those signatures by May 31.  If you are a registered voter in Missouri, you are eligible to sign the petition, and if you will, collect signatures.


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  We have an odd advantage not having the file for the Primary in this election year.  In the last two Missouri General Elections, around a hundred seats in the Legislature were filled by Primary wins – meaning that candidates of one party of the other ran unopposed on the ballot.  In elections where there are no Primary and no opposition party opponents, and because our candidates have a filing deadline of July 23, 2024, we have an outsized opportunity to offer Missouri Voters more choice at the polls on Election Day!  Get in touch and let’s do this!



Thank You!

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1999: Name changed to “Constitution Party” by delegates at the National Convention to better reflect the party’s primary focus of returning government to the U.S. Constitution’s provisions and limitations.


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