State Committee Members Meet!
Cindy Redburn
Times Read: 3965
Members of the State Committee met on May 1, 2021, for the Spring State Committee Meeting at Panther Creek Horse Camp in Tuscumbia, Missouri. The theme of the meeting was Advancing the Cause of Liberty. Along with the party's usual business, members established several new committees to prepare for the 2022 elections. Party growth and candidate recruitment will be the top priority for the party in the months approaching the filing dates.
The failure of both parties to secure our most fundamental liberties has generated a new interest in our party. Establishing county committees and support groups in all 115 Missouri counties is another priority.
Attendees were educated and encouraged by our special speakers in the General Session of the meeting.
Laura Hausladen from The Missouri Coalition for Transparent and Secure Elections brought us news on several pending bills that would return Missouri to hand-marked paper ballots. Ensuring is a critical step to securing fair elections in our state.
Dan Sexson from the John Birch Society introduced the Society's well-organized approach to stopping and preventing the manifold attacks on our liberties.
Bill Mohr, the party's 2020 Vice-presidential candidate, offered words of encouragement to press on with our message of liberty by organizing and electing.
Paul Venable, our state chairman, revisited Ben Franklin's challenge, "A Republic if you can keep it!" He reminded us that the challenge is still relevant today as many Americans are unaware of the foundational truths that once prospered our nation. While it seems that liberty is slipping through our fingers, it is not too late; but we must work diligently in our spheres of influence to "Advance the Cause of Liberty."
The failure of both parties to secure our most fundamental liberties has generated a new interest in our party. Establishing county committees and support groups in all 115 Missouri counties is another priority.
Attendees were educated and encouraged by our special speakers in the General Session of the meeting.
Laura Hausladen from The Missouri Coalition for Transparent and Secure Elections brought us news on several pending bills that would return Missouri to hand-marked paper ballots. Ensuring is a critical step to securing fair elections in our state.
Dan Sexson from the John Birch Society introduced the Society's well-organized approach to stopping and preventing the manifold attacks on our liberties.
Bill Mohr, the party's 2020 Vice-presidential candidate, offered words of encouragement to press on with our message of liberty by organizing and electing.
Paul Venable, our state chairman, revisited Ben Franklin's challenge, "A Republic if you can keep it!" He reminded us that the challenge is still relevant today as many Americans are unaware of the foundational truths that once prospered our nation. While it seems that liberty is slipping through our fingers, it is not too late; but we must work diligently in our spheres of influence to "Advance the Cause of Liberty."